Legal Jargon is a member of the DinoJim Consortium of websites and materials. It is owned and operated by Jim Lehane. Images will be linked to their sources if taken from somewhere on the web, unless that link becomes lost to the ether of time, then I have no way to link back that image to the source. Otherwise, unless cited, images and files found on this site have been taken or created by Jim Lehane.


Any use of these images should be cited appropriately. If you would like larger copies of the images than those provided on the site you can send me an e-mail, and we will make arrangements. The user agrees that any use of these images or ideas are presented without misrepresentation. If I feel you have misrepresented or not cited any of my ideas or images, I hold the express permission to have you remove those images from your website or other project.


Thank you for your cooperation.


The DinoJim logo is a Styracosaurus skull designed and created by me, based off of a fossil found at the American Museum of Natural History. The background image is an outline of a Shuvosaurus skull, which was created by me for my Master's Thesis.